District Referral Links



Must be filled out by the student's assigned administrator before transferring to Landmark.

Students who want to graduate early must remain at your school or transfer to NOLS.



The student must meet with their high school counselor to determine courses to be referred.  

Referrals over 30 days old will be deleted if the student has not checked into the lab.

 Our program is NOT eligible for grade replacement.

Our program is NOT eligible for testing out of original credit. 





On behalf of Landmark High School, we would like to offer your students the opportunity to earn credit recovery through the summer school program at Landmark High School.
The 2024 summer school program will cost $75 and each student will have the opportunity to earn 1.0 credit or more through 4 face to face class periods of credit recovery in math, science, English, or social studies and through the online Edgenuity program. The dates this year will be May 30 through June 28, (Monday through Friday) from 8:30-12:05 at Landmark High School. 
Online Registration will be available May 1st through Landmark High School's Website. Click on summer school: Classroom instruction to find the registration link. Payments can be made in person at Landmark High or over the phone by calling, 801-798-4030. The cost this year is $75. Registration will end on May 24.
Administrators and counselors, please use the summer school referral link attached below to help us place your students in the correct courses based on their graduation and credit recovery needs for your high school. 
I am also attaching a Summer School Information Sheet that will answer a few questions. Let me know if it would be beneficial for me to come to your school and provide a quick presentation, question and answer meeting regarding our summer school program
Please email or call with any questions.
Thank you,
Jon Loveless
jonathan.loveless [at] nebo.edu (jonathan[dot]loveless[at]nebo[dot]edu)
801-319-3227 Cell 
801-423-3200 Ext. 1552
Landmark High School Summer School Coordinator
Landmark High School Summer School Counselor Referral Link. 
Summer School Registration- Parent or student must fill out