2017-18 Crystal Apple Awarded to LHS Teacher

Submitted by chelsie.young on

LHS Teacher Hilary Jones earned Horace Mann's Crystal Apple Award! Hilary has been a teacher at Landmark for 2 years, but has worked in education for about 10 years. Teachers and staff appreciate Hilary's expertise and willingness to help her peers improve their teaching. Students benefit from her constant efforts to push them to be their best. Congrats, and will done, Hilary! It's a great day to be a Dragon!

April 2018 Students of the Month

Submitted by chelsie.young on

Landmark works to instill 5 Vital Behaviors that will keep our students on the pathway to success, no matter what they choose to do with their lives. To promote these behaviors, we award Student of the Month accolades to 5 students who have excelled at one or more of these behaviors.

For the month of February those students are the following:

AttendanceAnayeli Cortez- has great attendance and is engaged in learning.

Positive AttitudeTalan Oleson- Feeling like he now has a place here at Landmark.

Landmark Teacher Conducting Study About Our Mini-Terms

Submitted by chelsie.young on
English Teacher Elinda Nedreberg is conducting a study about our new mini-term schedule. We need as many students as possible to participate and to do so they will need to turn in permission forms allowing for their participation. The forms are attached (in English and Spanish) below. They need to be signed by Friday, May 14. Print off the appropriate one, sign it, and return it to either your third period teacher OR Elinda. THANK YOU!!  

May 3rd is Utah Prevention Day!

Submitted by chelsie.young on

Governor Gary R. Herbert has declared May 3, 2018, as “Utah Prevention Day!”

Utah Prevention Day gives secondary schools around the state an opportunity to celebrate the prevention lessons that students have learned throughout the year. Teachers can review and reinforce those life skills taught before students leave for the summer. We want to protect our students from the dangers of drugs, under-age drinking, violence, crime and bullying.

Count Down to Prom!!

Submitted by chelsie.young on

Do you need a dress for Prom this Saturday? Talk to Kristeene or Monica.....we have lots!

 Bring a date, or bring a friend, or just come join your friends. There will be food, free portraits, dancing and fun. 8-11 p.m.